Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kennebunkport Pumpkin Ale

I lost my pictures of the most recent beers I've tried, but make sure you steer clear of the Kennebunkport Pumpkin Ale.  It tastes like a combination of cider, Hefe-weizen, and Bud Light, and not in a good way (if a good way somehow seemed possible to you from that description).

Trader Joe's Vintage 2010 Ale, on the other hand, was pretty darn tasty!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


These TJ's beers are very drinkable but not complex. B-, B-

Allagash white: B+

Smuttynose Star Island Single: B

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dumping Beer Pics



A-, went really well with some Irish cheddar cheese




Sunday, January 17, 2010

Zywiec Beer

This Zywiec Porter (Baltic Porter, 9.5% ABV) was pretty dern tasty. A bit strong, but lots o' flavor of course. Large head, fairly thick, took a while to recede, thick lacing. Butty, coffeeish (or maybe more like coffee liqueurish), soy sauce, molasses. I'd say B+ for my taste.